After a winter that brought more snow and icy temperatures than Pennsylvania has seen in the last few years, you might be ready to rejoice in spring. More hours of sunlight, warmer air, thawing soil, and the soon-to-be strawberries, ramps, and sugar snap peas – the season’s delights are endless. One of those delights is how easy spring makes it to integrate climate conscious habits. Here are a few ways to give back to Earth during the season she gives so much to us.
Take Advantage of Natural Energy
We know that during the transitional seasons like spring and fall, PA temperatures don’t like to be too predictable. But on warmer days, consider turning off your gas or electric heat and turning on nature’s thermostat: keep curtains or blinds open to allow the sun to heat your rooms and open windows to bring warm air inside. Think of the sun as your natural light bulb, also. With longer daylight hours, try to keep your lights off for longer periods, especially if you are not using energy-efficient options like LED bulbs. While energy-efficient lighting might not consume as much energy as some household appliances, like your refrigerator, developing a habit of sparing electricity benefits both the environment and your energy bill. Finally, if you are someone with accessibility to line dry your clothes, opt for the clothesline over the electric dryer.
Buy from Local Farmers or Join a CSA
The corporations who run factory farms are unlikely to have the planet’s best interest at the top of mind. The expansion of industrial farming has led to massive destruction of forests and other wild landscapes that are critical to storing carbon, creating a vacuum for carbon to be absorbed into the atmosphere and advancing climate change. Not to mention the biodiversity loss, soil erosion, and water pollution caused by industrial agriculture. Supporting the small farms in your region, especially those that practice regenerative methods, means you are minimizing the environmental impact of the food you buy while also investing locally. More than ever, it’s vital that we find ways to support, empower, and be in reciprocity with our neighbors and communities. When you can see the fields where your produce or meat comes from and talk to the folks who are tending them, you can better understand the impact of your food purchases.
Eat a Plant Rich Diet
Here in the Mid-Atlantic region, we’re fortunate to have a climate and landscape that makes it possible to grow an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Make them a staple in your diet along with plant-based proteins, which produce far less greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to meat. For example, 50 grams of beef has 17.7 kilograms of GHG impact, while 50 grams of beans has a 0.4 GHG impact. From deforestation to air and water pollution, the damages caused by livestock production are extensive. The meat industry is accountable for between 11 and 20 percent of GHG emissions globally. Luckily for us, it’s not hard to bring more plants into our diets, and many like peas and broccoli already boast substantial protein. If you pair your locally-bought produce with plant-based proteins like beans or tofu, it’s a win-win for the planet.
Spring Clean Your Cleaning Routine
Your windows are open, the sun is shining, and it’s illuminating all the dust that’s accumulated in the corners. It’s spring cleaning time. How can you bring sustainability into your cleaning routine? Buy cleaning products made with ingredients that are renewable and nontoxic, and whose packaging is biodegradable or recycled. Shop at package-free stores to minimize waste, especially plastic. And speaking of waste, ditch single-use materials like paper towels or disinfectant wipes, and opt for reusable cloths or sponges. If you’re making room in your wardrobe for warmer clothing, turn old shirts into cleaning rags. And if spring cleaning has led to a purge of items you want to be free from, figure out how to properly recycle or donate those items.
Can you bike it?
Transportation accounted for over 20% of Lancaster County’s emissions in 2018. And driving 10% less (about 1,350 fewer miles per year in the U.S.) could reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 110 million metric tons, which is about the equivalent of 28 coal-fired power plants. If you have access to alternative transportation methods, consider using them! With spring begging us to get outdoors, now is a great time to start asking yourself, “Could I bike or walk there?” A commute with the sun on your cheeks is a climate-friendly commute. Because biking or walking as transportation is not accessible for all, doing your part to reduce carbon emissions in your neighborhood helps strengthen your community.
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