Commit to a more sustainable 2024 by reducing 1 ton of carbon emissions this year with simple lifestyle changes – OR – offset your emissions through our Community Climate Fund. Our Drop A Ton program asks individuals to take the pledge to reduce their emissions, and helps them stay accountable to their goals with monthly resources, tips, events, and more.

Get Involved
Keep the Conversation Going
Connect at Events
Part of climate action is engaging with our wider community, finding common ground, and sharing our love for Lancaster. You can find RegenAll at a number of community events, sharing presentations with organizations and businesses, and hosting our own spaces for conversation.
Volunteer with RegenAll
Lend your time and talents to support our mission and engage more neighbors in the conversation and action for climate change.
Join / Start a Climate Action Neighborhood
Tackling climate change requires all of us, and it’s easy to feel isolated and overwhelmed by the scope of the problem. We’ve found that when people get together to talk about climate action, solutions, and next steps start to become clearer.
Contact our Director of Community Engagement
Sometimes, you just want to talk to another human who gets it. And who can help you figure out how you fit into the bigger picture – both in Lancaster County climate action and in RegenAll.
Drop A Ton

Carbon Calculator
Using our carbon footprint calculator can help you understand your household emissions. Our calculator measures your current impact and informs Climate Action Planning for your household to reduce emissions and provide an opportunity to offset your emissions locally through our Community Climate Fund.

Offset Emissions
You can offset your household emissions by contributing to our Community Climate Fund. For $75 per metric ton, you’ll support carbon-cutting projects in Lancaster County, including home energy retrofits, solar panels, and regenerative farming.
RegenAll provides tangible pathways for everyone in our community to get involved and positively impact the climate future of Lancaster County.
Your support magnifies this work and invests in solutions for climate-smart businesses, organizations, and communities through innovative tools and useful resources.
Everence Programs Supporting RegenAll
RegenAll has partnered with Everence to become a part of their MyNeighbor credit card and donor advised fund programs.
With Everence’s MyNeighbor credit card, you can generate donations for your chosen charitable organization – the Neighbor – each time you use your card. In lieu of getting cash back, card holders can designate a nonprofit to receive 1-2% of what they spend. RegenAll is one of the organizations you can choose as your Neighbor! When you designate RegenAll as the beneficiary of your MyNeighbor credit card, you are supporting climate resilience in your community simply by spending.
Learn more about Everence’s MyNeighbor credit card.
Everence’s donor advised fund allows you to make a wide range of gifts, receive tax benefits, and grow the ability to make a profound difference today and in the future. With a donor advised fund, you can set aside money specifically to donate to charitable organizations of your choosing. When you want to make a donation from the fund, you choose the amount and recipient, and Everence sends a check. Donors can make a lump-sum contribution to this fund, receive the tax benefits immediately, and then distribute the funds over time. RegenAll is one of the recommended organizations listed in the donor advised fund program. You can use the fund to support RegenAll with one-time or recurring donations.